
brief hiatus and conversation thread


I’m going to take a week or so– maybe two weeks, maybe less– off from blogging. I’ve been working on a project all summer, and it’s heading into the final stages (at last!). But, it needs more of my attention than blogging everyday can allow, and I’d really like to get this one knocked out of the park. Sooner I get it down, the sooner I can get back to the regular schedule. Also, I’ve discovered that without grad school deadlines I’m a horrible, really horrible, procrastinator.

I’ve got some guest posts lined up for you that I’m very excited about. And, if you don’t know, my “Learning the Words” series is an ongoing project and anyone can submit an idea at any time.

I’ll still be responding to e-mails and comments. If you come across anything interesting you think we’d be interested in, feel free to post it here (or on facebook, or on twitter!), and we can discuss! Also, make sure you check out the facebook page for interesting articles and stuffs.

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